About Me

Hi! I’m Heather and it seems super-weird to introduce myself to a faceless audience. Mainly because my brain works a bit differently but also because in a way it seems impersonal.

Why the name tattooedrevivalist for a website? Revivalist as in I’m fully devoted to God. My life has been a series of wild (mis)adventures and it wasn’t until I ran smack back into God that I found what I was desperately missing. As for the tattooed part, well I have a lot of tattoos and plan on getting more. tattooed and revivalist just seem to juxtapose themselves but they really don’t. I’m fully dedicated to the Living King and most of my tattoos tell the story of before and after meeting Him.

I’m an author, right now I’m writing my third book. Ok, well, I’m supposed to be writing but I’m most likely brewing another pot of coffee. As for the books I’ve already written head on over to the book page for links to “Don’t Let the Monsters Out” and “Chains of Freedom.”

I also have a blog. Head on over to the Life (Brain) on Fire page and I’ll tell you more about myself throughout the posts but to start I’m a Christian (hopefully that was obvious by the blog’s intent), proud aunt, dog mom, college graduate x2, and author. And I also deal with bipolar 1 (the fun rapid cycling kind), PTSD, adjustment disorder (does anyone really know what that means?), substance abuse disorder, and borderline personality disorder (which I just consider an extension of bipolar it’s a personal preference not a clinical one). If you notice I say “deals” with not “has”; these are not mine, I don’t claim ownership over them and if I ever do in any writing, please feel free to call me out on it. I didn’t go shopping around for these suckers, they entered my life mostly without me knowing. Ok, maybe not the alcoholism but still taking a few drinks didn’t mean I wanted to sign up for a life of addiction.

When I came to Jesus, I came with all these things and I was convinced that
He would just Poof! blast them away. Imagine my shock when He didn’t! But He
has walked and continues to walk with me through every manic high, black death
depression, twitchy startle, or crazy overreaction.

Welcome to the wild ride that is life defined by Jesus and mental illness attempting to takeover at times!